Court Services Center

Mission Statement: Provide solution oriented counseling, education and training to offenders, which will enhance their ability to live in the community as productive, law abiding citizens.

Treatment Orientation: The primary focus is to orientate clients to Community Services Center, help with questions, job possibilities, retrieval of driver’s license, and completion of a Level of Service/Case Management Inventory assessment and placement into a group.

List of Classes and Class Descriptions

Rational Thinking: A class to change criminal thinking patterns or “incorrect thinking” into “correct thinking” and positive, productive, law abiding behavior.

Aggression Replacement: Similar to “Anger Management”, replacing angry thoughts and aggressive behavior with peaceful thoughts and healthy, assertive non-aggressive behavior.

GED: Instruction and tutoring in Math and English in preparation for taking and passing the GED examination.

Alcohol & Drug Education: Education about the effects of alcohol and drug use on the individual family, community, and society at large.

Relapse Prevention: The primary focus is to educate clients about relapse signs, triggers, and recovery tools – groups are usually 12 weeks – some remain in groups, as aftercare, until they move to Phase 3.

Substance Abuse: The primary focus is to educate clients on the disease concept and on ways to keep the disease in remission – groups are 24 sessions, 2 nights a week.

CSC Intensive: The primary focus is to provide a higher level of treatment for clients that have tested positive or have been court ordered. Groups are 4 nights a week and gradually decline in groups from 4 nights, to 3 nights, to 2 nights, until 1 night a week is reached. Clients will usually remain in the 1 night a week group as aftercare until they are moved to Level 3.

Monday Morning: Clients that work a second shift job and have been screened are able to attend Monday mornings. All clients are encouraged to attend outside support groups if it is appropriate for them.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long are classes?
Classes or groups meet from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Monday through Thursday.

How long do classes go on?
Most groups go on for approximately 12 weeks, except GED and CSC Intensive, which normally last longer.

How many classes will I take?
Most people take 2 or 3 classes while they are on the program, lasting from 6 to 9 months, depending on their individual situation.

How will my classes be assigned?
Everyone attends an individual assessment and treatment planning session lasting about an hour. This determines which classes will be assigned based on the results of their assessment and their individual needs.